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Henri Lefebvre說:「如果未曾生產一個合適的空間,那麼『改變生活方式』、『改變社會』等都是空話」。Lefebvre的警語,對於強調空間與環境規劃及設計做為一種介入性和轉化性實踐的學門而言,可說是十分受用,確認了社會轉變或改造必須考量根本的空間面向。然而,在能夠改造空間和社會之前,必須先分析社會/空間(空間性)。就此,空間的政治經濟學分析,尤其是其中深受馬克思主義影響的流派,誠如Lefebvre的典範所示,實乃吾人不能不探討和運用的分析利器。

本課程希望提供修習者馬克思主義空間分析的基本視野,透過研讀重要學者的著作(H. Lefebvre, D. Harvey, N. Smith和其他人),習得有助於分析的一組概念工具箱,並藉此釐清面對公共議題時的批判性立場及倫理關切。換言之,這門課的目標不僅在於學習知識和分析工具,也涉及了政治和倫理方面的辯論。 
本課程的設計份量,需要修課者在課堂外花費五倍以上的時間,也就是3 X 5=15個小時,包括閱讀教材、與同學討論、撰寫摘要或讀書心得及提問的時間。
Office Hours

Paul Cloke, Philip Crang, and Mark Goodwin (eds.)(2006)《人文地理概論》(王志弘等譯),台北:巨流。
9/15  第一講 導論:空間的政治經濟分析 9/15
1.Lefebvre, Henri(1993)〈空間:社會產物與使用價值〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 19-30),台北:明文書局。(原文出版於1979年)*
2.Neil, Smith (2000) “Marxist geography”, in R.J. Johnston et al. (eds), The Dictionary of Human Geography (pp. 485-492). Oxford: Blackwell.(有中譯,收於《人文地理學詞典》,北京:商務印書館。)*
3.Peet, Richard (2005)〈基進地理學、馬克思主義與馬克思主義地理學〉,《現代地理思想》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 105-176),台北:群學。(原書出版於1999年)*
1.Peet, Richard and Nigel Thrift (1989) “Political economy and human geography”, in Richard Peet and Nigel Thrift (eds.), New Models in Geography: The Political-economy Perspective (pp. 3-29). London: Unwin Hyman.(有中譯)*
2.趙建雄(1992)〈馬克思與恩格斯對城市的研究〉,《地理學報》15: 127-146。
3.Sayer, Andrew (1995) Radical Political Economy: A Critique. Oxford: Blackwell.
4.Harvey, David (1994)〈時空之間:關於地理學想像的省思〉(王志弘譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(頁47-79),台北︰明文書局。)
9/22  第二講 空間與不均發展的動態(一):資本積累的空間邏輯 9/22
1.Harvey, David (2001) “The geography of capitalist accumulation: a reconstruction of the Marxian theory”, in Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (pp. 237-266). New York: Routledge. (First published in Antipode,1975)(有中譯)*
2.Harvey, David (2001) “The geopolitics of capitalism”, in Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (pp. 312-344). New York: Routledge. (First published in 1985)(有中譯)*
3.Harvey, David(2008)〈不均地理發展理論筆記〉,收於《新自由主義化的空間》(王志弘譯)(pp. 65-112),台北:群學。(原書出版於2005年)
1.Coe, Neil M., Philip F. Kelly and Henry W.C. Yeung (2007) “Uneven development: why is economic growth and development so uneven?” in Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction (pp. 59-86). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Harvey, David (1982) The Limits to Capital. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
3.Smith, Neil (1990) Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space (2nd ed.). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
9/29  第三講 空間與不均發展的動態(二):資本主義危機與時空修補 9/29
1.Harvey, David (2001) “The spatial fix: Hegel, Von Thünen and Marx”, in Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (pp. 284-311). New York: Routledge. (First published in 1981)(有中譯)*
2.Harvey, David (2001) “Globalization and the ‘spatial fix’”, Geographische Revue 2: 23-30.(有中譯)*
3.Harvey, David (2008)〈資本的束縛〉,收於《新帝國主義》(王志弘等譯)(pp. 69-105),台北:群學。(原書出版於2003年)
4.Bob, Jessop (2006) “Spatial fixes, temporal fixes and spatial-temporal fixes”, in Noel Castree and Derek Gregory (eds), David Harvey: A Critical Reader (pp. 142-166). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
1.Herod, Andrew (1997) “From a geography of labor to a labor geography: labor’s spatial fix and the geography of capitalism”, Antipode 29(1): 1-31.*
2.Schoenberger, Erica (2004) “The spatial fix revisited”, Antipode 36(3): 427-433.*
3.Sheppard, Eric (2004) “The spatiality of The Limits to Capital”, Antipode 36(3): 470-479.*
10/06  第四講 空間與不均發展的動態(三):空間分工、產業再結構與地域發展 10/6
1.Walker, Richard A. (2003) “The geography of production”, in Eric Sheppard and Trevor J. Barnes (eds), A Companion to Economic Geography (pp. 113-132). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有中譯)*
2.Peck, Jamie (2003) “Places of work”, in Eric Sheppard and Trevor J. Barnes (eds), A Companion to Economic Geography (pp. 133-148). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有中譯)*
3.Amin, Ash (2003) “Industrial districts”, in Eric Sheppard and Trevor J. Barnes (eds), A Companion to Economic Geography (pp. 149-168). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有中譯)*
4.Sheppard, Eric (2003) “Competition in space and between places”, in Eric Sheppard and Trevor J. Barnes (eds), A Companion to Economic Geography (pp. 169-186). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有中譯)*
5.Sunley, Peter (2003) “Urban and regional growth”, in Eric Sheppard and Trevor J. Barnes (eds), A Companion to Economic Geography (pp. 187-201). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有中譯)*
1.Massey, Doreen (1984) Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production. New York: Methuen.
2.Cooke, Philip (ed.) (1989) Localities. London: Unwin Hyman.
3.Clark, Gordon L., Maryann P. Feldman, and Meric S. Gertler (eds) (2003) The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(有北京商務印書館中譯本:《牛津經濟地理學手冊》(2005))
4.Sheppard, Eric and Trevor J. Barnes (eds) (2003) A Companion to Economic Geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有北京商務印書館中譯本:《經濟地理學指南》(2008))
5.Barnes, Trevor J., Jamie Peck, Eric Sheppard, and Adam Tickell (eds) (2004) Reading Economic Geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有北京商務印書館中譯本:《經濟地理學讀本》(2007))
10/13  第五講 空間、貿易、金融與商品循環(商品鏈) 10/13
1.Coe, Neil M., Philip F. Kelly and Henry W.C. Yeung (2007) “Commodity chains: where does your breakfast come from?” in Economic Geography: A Contemporary Introduction (pp. 87-118). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Grant, Richard (2003) “The economic geography of global trade”, in Eric Sheppard and Trevor J. Barnes (eds), A Companion to Economic Geography (pp. 411-431). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有中譯)*
3.Leyshon, Andrew (2003) “Money and finance”, in Eric Sheppard and Trevor J. Barnes (eds), A Companion to Economic Geography (pp. 432-449). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.(有中譯)*
4.Roberts, Susan (1994) “Fictitious capital, fictitious spaces: the geography of offshore financial flows”, in Stuart Corbridge , Ron Martin, and Nigel Thrift (eds.) (1994) Money, Power and Space(pp. 91-115). Oxford: Blackwell.*
1.Corbridge, Stuart, Ron Martin, and Nigel Thrift (eds.) (1994) Money, Power and Space. Oxford: Blackwell.
2.Leyshon, Andrew and Nigel Thrift (1997) Money/Space: Geographies of Monetary Transformation. London: Routledge.
3.Hughes, Alex and Suzanne Reimer (eds) (2004) Geographies of Commodity Chains. London: Routledge.
10/20  第六講 資本主義都市化 10/20
1.Gordon, David M. (1984) “Capitalist development and the history of American cities”, in William K. Tabb and Larry Sawers (eds) (1984) Marxism and the Metropolis: New Perspectives in Urban Political Economy (pp. 21-53). New York: Oxford University Press.*
2.Harvey, David (1989) “The urbanization of capital” in The Urban Experience (pp. 17-58). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.*
3.Harvey, David (1989) “Flexible accumulation through urbanization: reflections on ‘post-modernism’ in the American city” in The Urban Experience (pp. 256-278). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.*
1.Merrifield, Andy (2002) Metromarxism: A Marxist Tale of the City. London: Routledge.
3.Dear, Michael and Allen J. Scott (eds.) (1981) Urbanization and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society. London: Methuen.
4.Harloe, Michael (ed.) (1977) Captive Cities: Studies in the Political Economy of Cities and Regions. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
5.Logan, John R. and Harvey L. Molotch (1987) Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place. Berkeley: University of California press.
6.Smith, Michael Peter (1988) City, State, and Market: The Political Economy of Urban Society. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
7.Tabb, William K. and Larry Sawers (eds.) (1984) Marxism and the Metropolis: New Perspectives in Urban Political Economy (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
8.Katznelson, Ira (1992) Marxism and the City. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
10/27  第七講 都市內城縉紳化的政治經濟分析 10/27
1.Smith, Neil (1996) “Local arguments: from ‘consumer sovereignty’ to the rent gap”, in The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City (pp. 51-74). London: Routledge.*
2.Smith, Neil (1996) “Global arguments: uneven development”, in The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City (pp. 75-91). London: Routledge.*
3.Smith, Neil (1996) “Social arguments: of yuppies and housing”, in The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City (pp. 92-116). London: Routledge.*
4.Smith, Neil (1996) “From gentrification to the revanchist city”, in The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City (pp. 210-232). London: Routledge.*
1.Smith, Neil and Peter Williams (eds) (1986) Gentrification of the City. Boston: Allen & Unwin.
2.Ley, David (1996) The New Middle Class and the Remaking of the Central City. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
11/03  第八講 國家、治理與空間(一):從統治管理到企業化治理? 11/3
1.Brenner, Neil, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (2003) “Introduction: state space in question”, in Neil Brenner, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (eds), State/Space: A Reader(pp. 1-26). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Lefebvre, Henri (2003) “Space and the state”, in Neil Brenner, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (eds), State/Space: A Reader (pp. 84-100). Malden, MA: Blackwell.(原文出版於1977年)*
3.Poulantzas, Nicos (2003) “The nation”, in Neil Brenner, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (eds), State/Space: A Reader (pp. 65-83). Malden, MA: Blackwell.(原文出版於1978年)*
4.Harvey, David (2001) “From managerialism to entrepreneurialism: the transformation in urban governance in late capitalism”, in Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (pp. 345-368). New York: Routledge. (First published in 1989)(有中譯)*
1.Harvey, David (2001) “The Marxian theory of the state”, in Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (pp. 267-283). New York: Routledge. (First published in Antipode, 1976)(有中譯)*
2.Brenner, Neil, Bob Jessop, Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod (eds) (2003) State/Space: A Reader. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
3.Agnew, John, Katharyne Mitchell, and Gerald Toal (eds) (2003) A Companion to Political Geography. Oxford: Blackwell.
4.Delaney, David (2005) Territory: A Short Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.
11/10  第九講 國家、治理與空間(二):Foucault的空間治理術 11/10
1.Huxley, Margo (2007) “Geographies of governmentality”, in Jeremy W. Crampton and Stuart Elden (eds), Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 185-204). Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.*
2.Rose-Redwood, Reuben S. (2006) “Governmentality, geography, and the geo-coded world”, Progress in Human Geography 30(4): 469–486.*
3.Wood, David Murakami (2007) “Beyond the panopticon? Foucault and surveillance studies”, in Jeremy W. Crampton and Stuart Elden (eds), Space, Knowledge and Power (pp. 245-263). Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.*
1.Robins, Steven (2002) “At the limits of spatial governmentality: a message from the tip of Africa”, Third World Quarterly 23(4): 665–689.*
11/17  第十講 全球空間、帝國主義與地緣政治 11/17
1.Agnew, John (1998) “Visualizing global space”, in Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics (pp. 11-31). London: Routledge.*
2.Agnew, John (1998) “Turning time into space”, in Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics (pp. 32-48). London: Routledge.*
3.Harvey, David (2008)《新帝國主義》(王志弘等譯),台北:群學。(原書出版於2003年)
1.Flint, Colin (2006) Introduction to Geopolitics. London: Routledge.
2.Agnew, John (1998) Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics. London: Routledge.
3.Agnew, John and Stuart Corbridge (eds) (1995) Mastering Space: Hegemony, Territory and International Political Economy. London: Routledge.
4.Tuathail, Gearóid Ó (1996) Critical Geopolitics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
11/24  第十一講 尺度(層域)政治(Politics of Scale) 11/24
1.McMaster, Robert B. and Eric Sheppard (2004) “Introduction: scale and geographic inquiry”, in Eric Sheppard and Robert B. McMaster (eds), Scale & Geographic Inquiry: Nature, Society, and Method (pp. 1-22). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Swyngedouw, Erik (2004) “Scaled geographies: nature, place and the politics of scale”, in Eric Sheppard and Robert B. McMaster (eds), Scale & Geographic Inquiry: Nature, Society, and Method (pp. 129-153). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
3.Leitner, Helga (2004) “The politics of scale and networks of spatial connectivity: transnational interurban networks and the rescaling of political governance in Europe”, in Eric Sheppard and Robert B. McMaster (eds), Scale & Geographic Inquiry: Nature, Society, and Method (pp. 236-255). Malden, MA: Blackwell.*
1.Sheppard, Eric and Robert B. McMaster (eds)(2004) Scale & Geographic Inquiry: Nature, Society, and Method. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
2.Smith, Neil (1996) “Spaces of vulnerability: the space of flows and the politics of scale”, Critique of Anthropology 16(1): 63-77.
3.Brenner, Neil (1999) “Beyond state-centrism? Space, territoriality, and geographical scale in globalization studies”, Theory and Society 28(1): 39-78.
4.楊友仁、蘇一志(2002)〈地域競爭與空間政治:台灣南部科學園區的個案分析〉,《地理學報》31: 35-81。*
5.簡博秀、周志龍(2006)〈空間再層域化和國家:改革開放後的中國空間發展策略〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》18(1): 77-118。*
12/01  第十二講 資本主義與自然環境問題 12/1
1.Harvey, David (1996) “The domination of nature and its discontents”, in Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference (pp. 120-149). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
2.Harvey, David (1996) “Valuing nature”, in Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference (pp. 150-175). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
3.Harvey, David (1996) “The dialectics of social and environmental change”, in Justice, Nature & the Geography of Difference (pp. 176-204). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.*
1.Lipietz, Alain (1996) “Geography, ecology, democracy”, Antipode 28 (3): 219-228.
2.O'Connor, James (1988) “Capitalism, nature, socialism: a theoretical introduction”, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 1 (Fall): 11-38.
3.Pepper, David (1993) Eco-Socialism: From Deep Ecology to Social Justice. London: Routledge.
4.Benton, Ted (ed.) (1996) The Greening of Marxism. New York: The Guilford Press.
5.Foster, John Bellamy (2000) Marx’s Ecology: Materialism and Nature. New York: Monthly Review Press.
12/08  第十三講 空間、階級形構與階級鬥爭(一) 12/8
1.Calhoun, Craig (1987) “Class, place and industrial revolution”, in Nigel Thrift and Peter Williams (eds), Class and Space: The Making of Urban Society (pp. 51-72). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.*
2.Thrift, Nigel (1987) “Introduction: the geography of late twentieth-century class formation”, in Nigel Thrift and Peter Williams (eds), Class and Space: The Making of Urban Society (pp. 207-253). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.*
3.Smith, Dennis (1987) “Knowing your place: class, politics and ethnicity in Chicago and Birmingham 1890-1983”, in Nigel Thrift and Peter Williams (eds), Class and Space: The Making of Urban Society (pp. 276-305). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.*
1.Thrift, Nigel, and Peter Williams (eds.) (1987) Class and Space: The Making of Urban Society. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
12/15  第十四講 空間、階級形構與與階級鬥爭(二) 12/15
1.Harvey, David (1989) “Class structure and the theory of residential differentiation”, in The Urban Experience (pp. 109-124). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.*
2.Harvey, David (2001) “The geography of class power”, in Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (pp. 369-393). New York: Routledge. (First published in 1998)(有中譯)*
3.郭奇正(2004)〈上海租界時期中產階級城郊宅地的社會生產〉,《地理學報》35: 53-80。*
1.周素卿(2000)〈臺北市南機場社區貧民窟特性的形構〉,《地理學報》28: 47-78。*
2.周素卿、劉美琴(2001)〈臺北市南機場社區貧民窟特性的形構〉,《地理學報》30: 19-54。*
3.Harvey, David (2007)《巴黎,現代性之都》(黃煜文譯),台北:群學。(原書出版於2003年)
4.Mingione, Enzo (ed.) (1996) Urban Poverty and the Underclass: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell.
12/22  第十五講 空間政治、抵抗與社會運動(一) 12/22
1.Harvey, David (1989) “The place of urban politics in the geography of uneven capitalist development”, in The Urban Experience (pp. 125-164). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.*
2.Castells, Manuel(1994)〈一個跨文化的都市社會變遷理論〉(陳志梧譯),收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 223-300),台北︰明文書局。*
1.Castells, Manuel (1983) The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements. Berkeley: University of California Press.
2.Judge, David, Gerry Stoker and Harold Wolman. (eds.) (1995) Theories of Urban Politics. London: Sage.
3.Lauria, Mickey (ed.) (1997) Reconstructing Urban Regime Theory: Regulating Urban Politics in a Global Economy. London: Sage.
12/29  第十六講 空間政治、抵抗與社會運動(二) 12/29
1.Harvey, David (2001) “Militant particularism and global ambition: the conceptual politics of place, space, and environment in the work of Raymond Williams”, in Spaces of Capital: Towards a Critical Geography (pp. 158-187). New York: Routledge. (First published in 1995)(有中譯)*
2.Mitchell, Don (2003) “From free speech to People’s Park: locational conflict and the right to the city”, in The Right to the City: Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space (pp. 81-117). New York: The Guilford Press.*
3.Mitchell, Don (2003) “The end of public space? People’s Park, the public, and the right to the city”, in The Right to the City: Social Justice and the Fight for Public Space (pp. 118-160). New York: The Guilford Press.*
1.Smith, Michael Peter and Joe R. Feagin (eds.) (1987) The Capitalist City: Global Restructuring and Community Politics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
2.Low, Setha M. (2000) On the Plaza: The Politics of Public Space and Culture. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
3.Mingione, Enzo (1981) Social Conflict and the City. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell.
4.Harvey, David (2008) “The right to the city”, New Left Review 53: 23-40.*
1/05  第十七講 邁向社會主義的(差異)空間? 1/5
1.Lefebvre, Henri (1991) “From the contradictions of space to differential space”, in The Production of Space (pp. 352-400). Oxford: Blackwell.*
2.Harvey, David (2000) “The spaces of utopia”, in Spaces of Hope (pp. 133-181). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.(有南京大學出版社中譯本:《希望的空間》(2006))*
3.Harvey, David (2000) “Dialectical utopianism”, in Spaces of Hope (pp. 182-196). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.(有南京大學出版社中譯本:《希望的空間》(2006))*
1.Harvey, David (2000) Spaces of Hope. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
1/12  第十八講 期末發表會 1/12
□ 修課同學發表期末報告。每人準備十五分鐘配合簡報檔的口頭報告